Highlights from http://www.twitter.com/wolfc for 4Q10.
30-Dec-2010 — Recycle your holiday cards for charity http://bit.ly/gZIGLd29-Dec-2010 — RT @JasonFalls: look at biz metrics from @webmetricsguru respond to @jowyang’s latest http://ar.gy/68v > data reality hard to reconcile
28-Dec-2010 — RT @dhinchcliffe: Unlocking the Mayor Badge of Meaninglessness http://bit.ly/hqmeJU A must-read from @umairh > why I checked out of yelp
28-Dec-2010 — RT @billjohnston: Jeff Bezos’ Regret Minimization Framework – via @thomasknoll > carpe diem!
24-Dec-2010 — RT @jbell99: “world-class brands.. Facebook profiles to showcase… digitally irrelevant 1way comms” http://bit.ly/gzsNYK > sadly seen often
22-Dec-2010 — RT @sgblank: Hubris, Passion and Customer Development http://bit.ly/fJmvX6 > entrepreneurship is a virus, not a job. So practical and wise
22-Dec-2010 — RT @ABCeyEvents: How can you bring innovation into your already established business? http://tinyurl.com/3yjjnbf #innovation
21-Dec-2010 — RT @peHUB: Depressing Thoughts About Groupon’s Model http://dlvr.it/BpBrf > think they need model not so easy to replicate or dead in a year
19-Dec-2010 — Rape, power, activism, wikileaks, michael moore, Olbermann. Compelled by @sadydoyle ‘s #mooreandme http://bit.ly/ehg5ZO
19-Dec-2010 — RT @roonoid: US Senate votes to repeal DADT (don’t ask don’t tell)
18-Dec-2010 — RT @bhc3 Are you a receiver of signal or an issuer of signal? > receive socially, issue privately (boss, etc) due to poor social adoption
18-Dec-2010 — RT @davewiner: Twitter is my del.icio.us. http://r2.ly/6dxb > my thoughts exactly. Gave up on social bookmarking years ago
18-Dec-2010 — RT @andrewchen: 400 year trends from Google books search http://bit.ly/enJtoc > interesting #visualizations of word trends (horse vs car)
18-Dec-2010 — After checking in for months on @yelp, decided I’ll be checking out of this location check-in nonsense until further notice. #nyresolution
17-Dec-2010 — RT @roonoid: Advice to son, “When someone asks if you like school, just answer ‘yes’; life’s easier that way”. I need to apply at work. > +1
17-Dec-2010 — How Twitter Users Changed in 2010 http://t.co/6TT4fFO via @mashable > Nice #visualizations of usage trends and changes
15-Dec-2010 — RT @mikeloukides: Nice bit of analytics: most overused buzzwords in LinkedIn profiles http://bit.ly/g8Zd3y < like country display at bottom
12-Dec-2010 — Used twitter to find out why I’m stuck on San Mateo bridge. Apparently car fire. #realtime
12-Dec-2010 — RT @avc: What looks great today may suck tomorrow http://bit.ly/g8bNLt < importance of forward-think beyond financials. Love myspace example
12-Dec-2010 — Flipboard for iPad’s twitter integration is beautiful and fun http://www.flipboard.com/
11-Dec-2010 — Cool furniture innovation / design. Take it apart and hang it on the wall http://bit.ly/f6xYUa
11-Dec-2010 — Listening to npr podcast on hip hop growth from fad to genre http://bit.ly/g24QLu
11-Dec-2010 — RT @terrigriffith: Great panels on social networking & #innovation to take place 1/14/2011 Santa Clara Univ < how can I share ibm story?
10-Dec-2010 — RT @megbertapelle RT @JaneBozarth: Looking at real newspaper for first time in forever. It’s all news I read on Twitter yesterday < so true
10-Dec-2010 — Favorite gift for my daughters. Paper mâché angels. http://bit.ly/dXa30q http://plixi.com/p/62159991
10-Dec-2010 — RT @StumbleUpon: HBO considering leaving cable packages, offer a stand-alone service: http://su.pr/60q9bz < expect to see more of this
09-Dec-2010 — what the internet killed http://www.newsweek.com/photo/2010/12/08/peep-shows-yearbooks-and-other-things-the-internet-killed.html
09-Dec-2010 — @elsua I only used iphone4 for photos/videos in India for a month. Apps i liked for that at http://bit.ly/ebkKR6
09-Dec-2010 — RT @elsua: Daily #iPhone App: AutoStitch #elsuapps > love creating panoramics with this app… So easy
09-Dec-2010 — RT @horizonwatching: Dell Social Media Listening Command Center http://on.mash.to/fgiER0 cc @adamclyde
08-Dec-2010 — Reading: The Future Of Selling: It’s Social via @forbes http://cptl.st/eHh3xD #scrm
03-Dec-2010 — Listening to what technology wants. http://bit.ly/hpe1y1
02-Dec-2010 — awesome teaser for new privacy app http://benthebodyguard.com/ nicely done @benthebodyguard
02-Dec-2010 — win win incentive system for speeding http://bit.ly/dFaDMd txs @subdigit
02-Dec-2010 — now i need to fight the urge to buy the #groupon deal everyday…. must resist getting stuff i really don’t need
02-Dec-2010 — RT @dtapscott: FTC proposes ‘do not track’ option for web users. It’s a good start. #privacy http://ht.ly/3isMW
01-Dec-2010 — Social Media and the Workplace from @commoncraft http://www.commoncraft.com/social-media-workplace-video #scrm
30-Nov-2010 — @rawn #scrm seems mostly focused on front-end now… linking to back-office is key for b2b and very hard to do right
26-Nov-2010 — RT @ebertchicago: Netflix Instant Streaming accounts for 20% of internet traffic in evening hours. http://j.mp/hPvHvC > wow
25-Nov-2010 — Happy thanksgiving all. Is being thankful part of your core life strategy? http://bit.ly/gFiSE0
23-Nov-2010 — Looking closer at klout.com
23-Nov-2010 — crowdsourcing your data analysis in a competition model… yup, there’s a SaaS for that…. http://kaggle.com
22-Nov-2010 — he “go collab on mobile apps” me “but mobile pilot is closed” he “come up with ideas, then we’ll get mobile access” me “???”
22-Nov-2010 — The Firehose 7000x Bigger Than Twitter’s by @marshallk http://t.co/W7oOjqG – geo-tagged stuff from mobile devices
22-Nov-2010 — looking for win-win thinking? check out http://www.recaptcha.com making security checks helpful to book digitizing
21-Nov-2010 — Reserved my preferred name at http://about.me waiting for public beta to start #aboutme
21-Nov-2010 — Interesting communications today… 2. Major family news distributed via Facebook, not over phone
21-Nov-2010 — Interesting communications today… 1. email from nordstrom “reminds” her there are things in her shopping cart she didn’t buy yet
21-Nov-2010 — RT @terrigriffith Your social intranet is where work gets done by @larsz http://bit.ly/crGyHH < commented what happens 2 trad employee comms
20-Nov-2010 — messing about with montage… created social crm page #scrm http://bit.ly/cPzOJo
20-Nov-2010 — RT @SocialMedia411: #1 Movie 5-Day Opening Sales = $200M. New Call of Duty Game = $650M. http://nyti.ms/c6EL8g < wow huge turning point
20-Nov-2010 — @charleneli love discovery elements of stumbleupon. So easy to contribute. Wish I had more freeform tags.
19-Nov-2010 — had a nice discussion at lunch with @jamet123 about enterprise decision management #edm thanks for the book james
17-Nov-2010 — The Basics of Social CRM deck made the featured section of slideshare’s home page. #scrm http://bit.ly/ajIxA0 cool
16-Nov-2010 — preso on the basics of Social CRM http://bit.ly/ajIxA0 #scrm thanks to @pgreenbe @jowyang @ekolsky and others
16-Nov-2010 — RT @WCGrid Happy 6th birthday World Community Grid! http://bit.ly/a9w2NT < I’ve been member since 2005
15-Nov-2010 — leadership and dog walking http://bit.ly/9GQcKa
13-Nov-2010 — 10 businesses destroyed by smartphones http://yhoo.it/bEL3mY
13-Nov-2010 — RT @armano: Frog Design brings us a “world of tweets” Global Twitter activity heatmap. http://bit.ly/b3kz5W < nice
11-Nov-2010 — RT @BobWarfield Heretical Thinking: Enterprise 2.0 is Dead: http://bit.ly/d8TOti < where’s the beef in terms of ROI… compelling post
11-Nov-2010 — @ekolsky enjoyed your rapid primer at #e2conf-20. chart download has a problem http://www.e2conf.com/santaclara/2010/presentations/
10-Nov-2010 — Very pleased to have met @charleneli at lunch today and to chat with @rawn #e2conf
10-Nov-2010 — Congrats luis! RT @ITSinsider: The IEoY10 is @elsua. Congrats. #e2conf
10-Nov-2010 — On way to social crm day at #e2conf
09-Nov-2010 — installing #rockmelt…. lets see what this is all about.
09-Nov-2010 — think i’m gonna give OhLife a try… http://ohlife.com
08-Nov-2010 — I just commented on RT @HarvardBiz Your Own Kind of Moneyball: The Metrics that Measure You http://s.hbr.org/astFlu
08-Nov-2010 — Finding out more about social business announcements from IBM #ibmexperience http://bit.ly/socialcollab
07-Nov-2010 — Reading apple & ibm aren’t all that different. http://nyti.ms/bjsFDA
06-Nov-2010 — Believe we are seeing e2.0 awareness, not mainstream, with c-suite. Still need to crack middle mgmt and late majority users. Cc: @amcafee
06-Nov-2010 — I’m planning to attend social crm day @ #e2conf Santa Clara, Nov 10. http://www.e2conf.com/santaclara hope to meet many there
06-Nov-2010 — “Giving TwitBar a go. wish it was sidebar rather than toolbar”( http://twitthis.com/opm26m )
05-Nov-2010 — new post: dimensions to the value of my work http://bit.ly/bjSYyX what about you?
05-Nov-2010 — RT @flowingdata: When people break up, according to Facebook updates http://bit.ly/9nHJdC < gotta love data analysis
05-Nov-2010 — @amcafee #andyasks movie one-liners “these go to 11” spinal tap http://bit.ly/a57JJK
03-Nov-2010 — Growing more weary of propaganda and excess hype. But I guess perception is reality.
03-Nov-2010 — RT @roonoid: If you develop expertise… but don’t share it, does it have any value? > expertise = valuable. sharing = marketing, rep build
01-Nov-2010 — RT @citizenIBM: @TheEconomist reports how IBM is reinventing employee volunteerism http://econ.st/ag7IVy < I am csc alum
30-Oct-2010 — Not happy about my #angrybirds addiction. Pursuit of 3 stars for every level is silly, right?
30-Oct-2010 — @wolfc interesting thing at peets which didn’t come from yelp checkin – only about 30% customers use cash